Carlos Salas Exhibition

About Project

Carlos Salas has been engaged in a range of activities and initiatives in art-making and discoursing: painting, sculpting and writing to tackle head-on the sorry state of the human condition. His work is a site for exploration of the boundaries in which human subjectivity is located. For Salas, the canvas is a space for discourse that parallels David Scott’s “problem space;” a context of argument and, therefore, one of intervention which requires an ensemble of questions and answers around which a horizon of identifiable stakes hang not only the particular problems that get posed as problems as such, but as the particular questions that seem worth asking and the kind of answers that seem worth having.  
Reception Invitation

The invitation card to the Carlos Salas Public Reception.


VIP Invitation Package The Carlos Salas VIP Invitation Package was and invitation package created to extend an invitation from the MOCA board of trustees to guests and new potential board members for a VIP reception during Miami Art Basel Week.

The Package contained the artist's bio, board of trustees list, VIP Invitation card, MOCA Public Programs brochure, and sponsors.


Gallery Guide

The Carlos Salas Gallery Guide accompanied the exhibition to guide MOCA patrons about the exhibit. It included the Artist bio, a message from the director, a map, upcoming public programs and the sponsors.


Recent Portfolios